Thursday, August 21, 2014

Poster Bus Stop + Rationale

My poster takes a stance against superstores, in particular fashion superstores such as Just Jeans and Jay Jays. I’ve used vector graphics and text to create the message that cheap fashion from superstores has hidden problems that are sometimes deadly for those producing our clothes. The substitution of fabric for bones has been used to provoke the audience in to thinking about who made their clothes and under what conditions. I have also used a dark background and off white for the bones to create a gloomy, deathly feel. This is again reinforced by making the word ‘DYING’ red. The pun “dying for new clothes?” highlights the contrast between consumers perception of clothes as simply an object and urges them to consider the detrimental and literally deadly impact that fast, cheap fashion has in communities producing these objects. The intended response is for the viewer to first see the t-shirt made from bones at a literal level (Ihi) and then read the text and understand the harmfulness of bad working conditions, making the viewer reconsider buying cheap clothes from superstores (Wehi).

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Final Class

Today in class I put my poster on the wall for critique and people suggested some minor changes such as bumping down the type and adjusting the spacing. Also to add a cutout in the skull where the nose would be. Overall though it was a positive response.

Monday, August 18, 2014

Further Refinement

I have been refining my poster more, focusing on the layout of type. I have narrowed down to four options which I am deciding between.

I have also been trying to finalise my sub line. I originally wanted to have a statistic, however I haven't been able to find one. People in class felt that with my current text I didn't need the second line and that it was stronger just being "Garment factories shouldn't be death traps".

Saturday, August 16, 2014


I have been refining my bones t-shirt concept and trying different type layouts and have decided for now to colour the text DYING in red in order to add more emphasis. I am also trying to decide what to put as my subtext as I was unable to find any statistics about garment factory worker deaths. The only recent stastitic is from the Rana Plaza disaster, however I would prefer to use a statistic that represents the broader industry, not just one accident. I want the background to be dark, and am deciding between dark grey and a dark blue, leaning towards the blue at the moment.

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Today's class

Today in class I showed my latest idea and had a positive response. People understood the message and thought the words "dying for new clothes?" was clever. Patricia said that now I need to add a line with a fact to add credibility to the argument.

Friday, August 8, 2014

New Idea

I have a new concept which I feel is stronger than my earlier ones. I am going to make an image of a t shirt made of bones, to represent the deaths of garment workers. I think this would be more striking and represents the serious cost of fast fashion, that people do in fact die while making clothes for megastores. I have found an artist model Francois Robert who used real human bones and arranged them into artworks 

More Research

I have been doing some more research in to the fashion industry as a lot of the information I had found previously was about international clothing chains. I watched a 3rd Degree investigation in to fast fashion in New Zealand which revealed that the Just Group (Just Jeans, Jay Jays, Dotti etc.) is yet to sign a legally binding agreement to improve working conditions in Bangladesh. This confirms that disasters like the Rana Plaza are very relevant to New Zealand consumers.

Monday, August 4, 2014


Today we had interim, I showed three ideas and got mixed feedback. At first people in my group liked the fashion crime poster, but it was pointed out that there was no connection to child labour, which is obviously crucial. I only made it yesterday and at the time it seemed to make sense but hearing feedback it's good to realise that it isn't really working. People also felt that the sequin face wasn't clear enough. The one I had least refined was the zip but everyone felt it was the clearest message, so I will try and continue with that.